Uplifting News and Stories Gleaned from the Web


I’m an American Christian mom of three grown children, two sons and a daughter, and grandma to five, four boys and one girl. I live with my two dogs and a talking bird just outside Chicago, IL, USA.

Though born a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) I have been anything but typical. I learned Spanish with the Cuban refugees who arrived in my neighborhood during my teen years. My first son’s father is Cuban. When my son was born I decided he would learn Spanish as his first language as a rich part of his heritage. I knew the English would come effortlessly and it did. After I married a Mexican man I had two more children and continued with the Spanish as birth language. My daughter has continued this with her two sons as well as their father is also Mexican.

Via the internet I’ve met people from all over the globe and have had the privilege to travel and meet some of them in person even as far away as Paris. I especially appreciate the friendships I’ve made with those from the Middle East. During very difficult times, and often frightening, seeing things from a different perspective than that portrayed by our mainstream media has been both comforting and eye-opening.

My purpose in posting here, albeit infrequently, is to offer good news rather than the usual dismal fare we see and hear on a daily basis via radio, television and the internet. When I find a positive, uplifting story, I share it with any who care to read and, in so doing, hope to make the world a brighter place.

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